May 3, 2024


Business & Finance

Ten Products That Can Help With Type Two Diabetes

6 min read

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Diabetes mellitus (DM or T2D) is a disease that affects millions of people. Statistically, diabetes mellitus of the first type is much rarer than the second. The predisposition to the diabetes of the second type is more than half of the people living on earth, but whether this disease is manifested or not depends only on the person.

T2D provokes hypertension: high sugar makes it difficult to lower blood pressure, so to bring the blood pressure back to normal, you must first take care of lowering blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, DM cannot be fully cured yet, so the main task for a diabetic patient is to normalise blood sugar levels. To help yourself fight diabetes, it is necessary to not only learn to eat correctly and watch your weight but also to avoid stressful situations.

If you do have this condition, how can you help yourself with diabetes? This article gives an example of a list of products that will help you fight T2D.

Green Tea

Green tea, unlike other drinks, is non-fermented and has a high polyphenol content. Polyphenols are healthy antioxidants, which are hypoglycemic elements and help control the release of blood sugar, thus improving the body to use insulin better.

It will be enough to drink one or two cups of green tea a day.

Aloe Vera

Aloe juice helps control and regulate diabetic’s sugar levels. It is not only rich in phytosterols but also has anti-hyperglycemic effects on those who suffer from T2D.


Insulin sensitivity can be increased by eating cinnamon. This aromatic plant can improve insulin sensitivity, thereby reducing blood glucose levels. It, in turn, can help control weight and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Add just 1g of cinnamon to your daily diet to reduce blood sugar levels.


Garlic not only has antioxidant properties and microcirculatory effects but also helps reduce blood glucose.

Eat up to 4 raw garlic cloves daily.


The infusion from Plantago seeds is good for diseases of the heart and vessels, stomach and intestines, so it is recommended to introduce it into your diet as well.

Blueberry leaves

The leaves of this berry contain large amounts of anthocyanins, which enhances the action of various proteins involved in the transport of glucose and the metabolism of fats. It is an excellent remedy that can reduce blood sugar levels.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is essential in diabetes. Consumption of approximately 600 mg of vitamin C per day can significantly improve blood sugar levels. People with chronic diabetes should eat vitamin C-rich foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, currants, cranberries and others every day.

Fresh mango leaves

Although difficult to find, mango leaves contain rare coffee and gallic acid, mangiferin, and flavonoids. All this makes mango leaves an excellent anti-diabetic, antioxidant, and anti-allergic remedy.


Flaxseed helps the digestion and absorption of fats and sugars through the massive amounts of fibre, so it is also worth including in your diet if you have a T2D.

CBD products

CBD products, which are available on the modern market, are different forms, such as CBD balms, oils and liquids, occupy a special place in this list. Recent studies show that regular CBD oil users have a lower body mass index and a smaller waist circumference, and the risk of diabetes and obesity is much lower. A report published in an American magazine in 2011, based on a study of more than 52,000 people, concluded that obesity rates are about one-third lower among consumers of CBD products.

Other studies also show that CBD has a beneficial effect on weight loss by helping the body convert white fat into brown fat, which reduces weight by promoting the absence of atherogenesis on average in insulin production and sugar metabolism.

Examining more than 4,600 subjects, the researchers found that current CBD users’ insulin levels are 16 per cent lower than those who have never added it to their daily diet. The latter also had higher diabetes-protective cholesterol levels and 17 per cent more moderate insulin resistance levels.