May 9, 2024


Business & Finance

3 creative ways to package your product like a pro using stickers and labels

2 min read

We all do it. We assume that what we see is what we get when it comes to product packaging. We judge a book very much by its cover.

There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, you can use that to your advantage and transform your product packaging to increase your conversion rate.

Do not worry, overhauling your packaging does not have to break the bank. With custom stickers and labels, you can save time and money while creating an amazing end result.

So, let us jump right in and cover everything from custom sticker sheets to effect materials.

1. Elevate the look with effect materials 

Effect materials are sticker vinyls that come with special effects like holographic, glitter, or metallic. Reach out to your local label printer and check out their range. Effect stickers and labels work like any other self-adhesive product.

They are laminated labels, which makes them scratch-resistant and waterproof. But on top of that, they are true eye-catchers.

We recommend using effect stickers when you are after a luxurious look for your products. A simple gold or silver sticker can immediately elevate the way your products are perceived and is a great way to communicate the high quality of your product.

2. Use custom packaging seals 

Packaging seals immediately signify a high product quality and show that you care about the way your products arrive. Not only do they keep your products safe and in place, but they also add to your customers’ post-purchase experience.

There are stickers and labels that are designed for this use, but these are usually over-priced. Just use custom stickers instead and create a unique design.

There are no limits to your creativity. You can use this extra space to include a funny or positive message to make your customers smile before they open your package – the perfect way to stand out from your competitors.

3. Invest in seasonal stickers

Using custom or personalised stickers keeps you super flexible. In fact, they are one of the few marketing tools that can be updated quickly.

After all, even the most impressive product packaging can lose its effect after a while. To keep your returning customers engaged, you can switch out the stickers you are using on your packaging.

Seasonal stickers are a great way to give that a try (and they can even increase your sales during the holiday season), but you do not have to stop there. Is there a cause or a charity you like to support? Collaborate with them and create custom stickers to support them.

Now it is up to you to get creative and design your own stunning stickers. We cannot wait to see what you will create. Let us know in the comment section below.