25/01/2025 4:24 PM


Business & Finance

5 Things To Do To Save Money On Your Energy 

25 Ways to Conserve Energy in our Home

Are you looking to save money on your energy bills? This is something that every household should be looking to do right now with the price cap increasing, which will see many households’ bills skyrocket in the coming months, along with the rise in the cost of living. The good news is that there are always steps that you can take to combat this rise and save money each month. So, what are a few of the best ways to save energy each month to reduce your bills while also helping to protect the planet? Read on for a few strategies that are worth trying.

1. Solar Panel Installation

One of the biggest – and most effective – steps to take is solar panel installation. Instead of using energy from the grid, you will be generating your own electricity from the power of the sun. Not only can this help you to make huge savings over the long term, but it will also help to reduce your environmental impact. If you plan on staying put, this is a smart financial investment that will allow you to make big savings while protecting you from rising energy costs.

2. Double Glazing

A huge amount of energy is lost through the windows, which can make it hard to keep the home warm during the winter months and vice versa. Double glazing installed by specialists like 1st Scenic Ltd will insulate the home and make it easier to maintain the right temperature, and reduce your need to use central heating. This should lower your costs, keep the home comfortable and also add value to the property.

3. Install A Smart Thermostat

Another good option is to have a smart thermostat installed. This is a thermostat that can be controlled via your smartphone and allows you much greater control, including the ability to turn on the heating when you are on your way home and the ability to only warm the rooms that you are using. This should help you to make savings over the year and be more efficient with your central heating. Additionally, turning down the heating by a degree or two will make a positive difference.

4. Wash Clothes On A Cold Setting

The washing machine uses up an enormous amount of energy, especially for larger households that use it on a daily basis. You can make savings when washing clothes by tasing on a cold and eco setting – this does not affect the quality of the clean and should also prolong the life of your clothes. Additionally, air-dry your clothes as opposed to using the dryer to conserve energy. 

5. Turn Off What You Are Not Using

Finally, you should get into the habit of turning off appliances that you are not using. Turning off appliances at the plug will help you to make savings, especially if you use a lot of devices and work from home. Additionally, turn lights off when not in use to make savings.

These are a few of the best ways that you can make energy savings that will hopefully help to lower your bills in a time when the cost of energy is skyrocketing.